4 Foods That Can Cause Diaper Rash

Did you know that certain foods can cause diaper rash? Learn which ones may wreak havoc on your infant's bottom—and how to handle it.

Diaper rash (sometimes known as diaper dermatitis) is an umbrella term used to describe several different inflammatory skin conditions that can occur on and around the bum, genitals, and groin of a child who wears diapers.

Most parents attribute diaper rash to environmental factors, such as sensitivity to dyes or perfumes, prolonged exposure to urine or feces, or even chafing. But did you know that this skin irritation can also be affected by your little one's diet? It's true. Certain foods can cause a type of diaper rash called irritant dermatitis or irritant diaper rash, or what some call "acidic diaper rash."

"Baby skin rashes can worsen with exposure to certain foods," says Latanya Benjamin, MD, a pediatric dermatologist and associate professor at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton.

Here's everything you need to know about the link between diet and acidic diaper rash.

Two baby girls sitting together eating apples

What Is Acidic Diaper Rash?

"Acidic diaper rash" is what some call the type of diaper rash that is caused by skin having contact with stools that have high pH levels or are more acidic. One thing that can make a baby's stool more acidic is the food they eat.

The cycle may something look like this: Your baby eats a food that makes their stool more acidic. When they poop, their skin comes into contact with the acidic stool. The contact causes the skin to become irritated and inflamed, resulting in a diaper rash. Subsequent bowel movements, particularly if the diaper isn't changed promptly, then tend to exacerbate the rash.

An irritant diaper rash can also be caused by the changes in stool that are associated with certain food allergies and sensitivities, such as sensitivity to cow's milk protein, which can cause looser, mushier stool that's especially irritating to the skin. "Babies tend to have food sensitivities, rather than true food allergies," says Dr. Benjamin. "There is a difference, and your dermatologist and allergist can help you distinguish between the two."

Foods That Cause Acidic Diaper Rash

When babies start eating solid foods, the frequency and content of their bowel movements change. All those new foods can make diaper rash more likely, especially in babies 9 months or older. Acidic foods such as citrus and tomato-based sauces are often to blame for irritating baby's skin and creating an inflamed, sore ring around the anus—and sometimes around the mouth as well.

Here are the top four foods that cause diaper rash.

Citrus fruits and juices

These items are very acidic, which can be tough on a baby's digestive system. If your baby is prone to diaper rash caused by acidic stools, food to avoid include oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits, and juices made from any type of citrus.

Tomatoes and tomato-based products

Tomatoes are another highly acidic ingredient that can exaggerate symptoms of diaper rash, specifically irritant dermatitis. When treating or trying to avoid a rash from acidic poop, you should avoid feeding your baby spaghetti sauce, tomato soup, ketchup, and anything else that has a tomato base.


Even though strawberries have a pleasing flavor, the acidity of the fruit can irritate your baby's digestive system, and ultimately, the skin in the diaper area.


Just because pineapple is acidic doesn't mean your baby needs to avoid all tropical fruit. If you want to avoid acidic diaper rash, consider offering your baby mango or papaya instead.

Quick Tip

So-called "acidic diaper rash," or diaper rash caused by acidic stools is especially common with diarrhea and loose stools. If your baby is experiencing frequent loose stools and diaper rash, you may want to avoid common diarrhea triggers such as dairy, fruit juice, peaches, plums, and prunes.

Preventing and Treating Diaper Rash Through Diet

Many babies try a wide variety of new foods when they start solids, which can make it hard to discern exactly what's causing an irritant diaper rash. If your baby is experiencing a diaper rash that you believe is being caused (or aggravated) by acidic stools, it might be time to take a closer look at what they are eating.

Try introducing new foods one at a time. Then watch your baby for a few days as their digestive system adapts. If you notice any adverse reaction, such as diaper rash or symptoms of a food sensitivity or allergy, consult your doctor regarding the next steps. If the reaction is small, they might suggest re-introducing the food at a later date.

If your baby does develop diaper rash from acidic poop, try feeding them starchy foods that digest easily. Reliable options include pasta, bread, rice, whole-grain cereal, and crackers. These foods will ward off diarrhea (which makes diaper rash worse) and bulk up your baby's stool.

You can also help diaper rash in other ways besides changing your baby's diet. Hygiene is especially important when dealing with any type of diaper rash: Keep the area clean and dry through frequent diaper changes, cleanse the skin with neutral pH non-soap cleansers, and use a zinc oxide-based paste as a barrier between the skin and the contents of the diaper.

It's important to note that diet is not the only thing that can cause mild to severe diaper rash. If you're unsure what is causing your baby's rash or if the rash is severe (it is spreading, develops blisters or sores, or is accompanied by a fever), visit a health care provider.

Key Takeaways

"Acidic diaper rash" is a type of diaper rash that can be caused by certain foods in your baby's diet. Avoiding triggering foods (and eating helpful ones) can help prevent the acidic poop that causes the rash and ease diaper rash symptoms. It also helps to change your baby's diaper frequently and use a diaper rash ointment, as needed. Consult your baby's pediatrician with any questions or concerns.

Updated by Nicole Harris
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  1. Diaper Rash: Clinical Considerations and Evaluation. University of British Columbia. 2011.

  2. Common Diaper Rashes & Treatments. American Academy of Pediatrics. 2020.

  3. What Is Diaper Rash?. The Society for Pediatric Dermatology. 2018.

  4. Why is my baby always getting diaper rashes?. American Academy of Pediatrics. 2020.

  5. Diaper Dermatitis. StatPearls. 2023.

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